(Video) This Concept of an Underground City Post-Collapse Could One Day be What a Survivalist’s Future Consists Of…


It may surprise some to know that engineers and visionaries in Chicago are considering this matter seriously. What would it take to create another world under the city of Chicago and are there examples to follow? Yes, there are!

The advantages are clear. Men, women, and children living the rest of their days relatively safe, procreating and flourishing for that moment when things have been cleared up above, possibly hundreds of years in the future, and humankind thriving beyond the days when some might have believed our time was at its end.

Still, as has been stated, if something did go wrong – if a fire would break out for instance – the fatalities could be too numerous to be comfortable. Especially for those living at the bottom of the underground structure! Also, if there were to be a collapse, the result of an earthquake or faulty construction or wear and tear… would there be any survivors?

The debate can go on, but the idea seriously makes for fascinating possibilities!


