(Video) This Clever DIY Hammock Setup Allows Us to Tackle the Rain and Relax Simultaneously

hammock hook

Unless they plan to prove a point or are gluttons for punishment, no outdoorsmen really wants to set up camp in the rain. Yes, it may seem the tough and macho thing to do and, sure, you are training and a little rain should be the least of your worries. Yet, small steps here. Getting wet from rain is just not comfortable.

More so when that uncomfortableness seeps into your sleeping bag or hammock. All you want is a nice, dry rest after tackling the elements all day. Is that asking for much? It's not like it is wartime! Although, admittedly, it may one day come to that if a collapse occurs.

Still, the dryer we are the better we will feel the next day and then we can continue on with our journey. To show you how that can be done, with a rather ingenious device, is a video over on the next page.

Again, we know we are training for a SHTF scenario but why make it more difficult for ourselves than we have to?

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