(Video) The Swedish Torch Fire Never Gets Old. Here’s a Reminder Why This Bug Out Trick Is Pure Genius:

swedish torch fire

Watch and enjoy how this survivalist prepares a Swedish fire torch below. If you’ve never tried to make your own Swedish Torch it’s probably about time you did. And as you watch the video be sure to take some mental notes and soon you will learn how!

All things considered, a Swedish torch fire is not too difficult to create and makes for a terrific backyard focal point.

Once you get it going you can roast wieners, marshmallows and, as out host says, put a pot of beans of chili on the hot log to be cooked! A fire like this makes for a perfect summer evening of outdoor conversation, eating, and looking up at the stars!

Plus, of course, we know how useful this type of fire is for survival!


  1. Thomas Whitten said:

    This works very well. However, if you’re in the woods, getting a good, flat surface to cook on is a challenge. You will most likely have to use a smaller piece of wood to split and a hand saw to get the surface you need. I always carry a saw but not a lot of people do.

  2. Billy Twowolf Hall said:

    I use mostly a percolator and a dutch oven.
    Ive found if you dig out a little hole and use 2 to 4 inch diameter. Limbs in a square you can create tge same fire and use 2 forked sticks and a longer one to hang your pots from
    Its actually a lot easier to do thsn spilting a larger log


