(Video) The Person Who Came up With This is Brilliant!


If you want to be able to reliably start a fire with minimal effort on your part, you'll likely have to rely on the expensive manufactured tinders sold in big box stores. At least, that's what they'd have you believe. You can make an even better tinder than those found in stores with the video below.

While this is best used with a lighter or match, rather than a fire spark system, this is still an excellent fire starting choice for any prepper or outdoorsman to carry in their kits. It will stay lit for a long time, giving you plenty of opportunity to get your fire going in any weather condition.

While the gasoline seems like a good idea, it also prevents the cotton from absorbing as much wax as it possibly can, which is shown with the halved burn time. Knowing this basic method, though, you could tweak it and make any firestarter you want. Try it out today!


  1. Richard Revis said:

    That’s why you have flint starters. Or magnesium. Or magnifying glass. Or…..

  2. Anonymous said:

    boy scout handbooks… cardboard and parrafin.. same thing.. though in HS we used oxy-pads (zit cleaners) .. 🙂

  3. Mike Lowinske said:

    What this could actually benefit from is not gasoline but the addition of an oxidizer. Doing so will allow it to continue to burn under even the most damp conditions. Get a hold of some potassium perchlorate or potassium permanganate and put the pads in a sealed container with that powder and shake it around for a minute or so so that the particles become embedded in the fiber and then dip it in the wax.

  4. Jeffrey Thomas said:

    At first I was thinking campfire doughboys haha. Maybe use a coffee can to feed fry them.


