(Video) The Person Who Came up With This is Brilliant!


If you're like most survivalists and preppers, you hate to pay for those overpriced fire starters that can be found in outdoor stores.

While they are incredibly useful and are excellent at what they do (that is, allowing you to start a fire in damp, cold conditions), you have to wonder if there isn't a way to make something yourself that's much cheaper and will work just as well as any store bought version.

As luck would have it, you can make what some would consider “the perfect tinder” in the comfort of your own home or garage.

Not only will it burn for anywhere between 10 and 20 minutes, but it also packs down flat so that you can carry far more tinder than you would be able to from any other source.

Check out this miracle tinder on the next page.

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  1. Richard Revis said:

    That’s why you have flint starters. Or magnesium. Or magnifying glass. Or…..

  2. Anonymous said:

    boy scout handbooks… cardboard and parrafin.. same thing.. though in HS we used oxy-pads (zit cleaners) .. 🙂

  3. Mike Lowinske said:

    What this could actually benefit from is not gasoline but the addition of an oxidizer. Doing so will allow it to continue to burn under even the most damp conditions. Get a hold of some potassium perchlorate or potassium permanganate and put the pads in a sealed container with that powder and shake it around for a minute or so so that the particles become embedded in the fiber and then dip it in the wax.

  4. Jeffrey Thomas said:

    At first I was thinking campfire doughboys haha. Maybe use a coffee can to feed fry them.


