(VIDEO) The Dakota Fire Hole: Why it’s the MOST Effective Fire When Bugging Out

Fire hole

Nothing improves a rough day out in the wilderness better than a hot meal around a campfire. In some conditions, though having the traditional open fire pit may not be the best option.

If you're bugging out, you may not want to have an open fire because it could very easily give away your position. This campfire design may also be impractical if you have a limited amount of wood to burn.

Of course, the most obvious solution will be to use simply your camp stove to cook your meal. When possible, many people will shy away from this in a bug out situation because they want to conserve fuel. If that's the case, the Dakota Fire Hole is here to save the day.

The Dakota Fire Hole uses limited wood, won't give away your position, and can actually heat up your meal faster than your camp stove.

Learn how to utilize this excellent cooking method on the next page.

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  1. Mark Greer said:

    We use these occasionally. Directs heat better. Uses less wood. Less visible. List goes on.

  2. Larry Singleton said:

    For it to work, it really depends on wind direction vs ventilation hole…and they still give off smoke either way…it’s not as discreet as you might think…

  3. Tom Hardeland said:

    Just be careful, in Alaska.
    You don’t start a tundra fire. Will burn underground for years.
    Popping up.

  4. Thomas Wilson said:

    interesting. but$#%&!@*is he long winded. this information couldve been shared in a much shorter time.


