(Video) The 5 Biggest Spiders in the World Are Truly Shocking


You better hope you never have to come across these creepy crawly critters.

Few people are unaware that all spiders are venomous predators. However, the number of spiders who produce toxic enough venom that is actually harmful to humans is a smaller number. Yes, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

Coming across a spider or getting bit by one usually, doesn't do much damage. The bite is as itchy and irritating as a mosquito bite and getting an infected bite is very rare.

The spiders on the video after the break, however, post a different risk — they could actually eat you.

Just kidding! However, they are big enough to significantly creep you out and then some.

To see five of the biggest, baddest spiders in the world of spiders, wait until you watch the video after the break!

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  1. Gary Lamb said:

    They dont live in any of the areas i will be in do ni problem.

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