(Video) The 5 Biggest Spiders in the World Are Horrifying!


These spiders are not necessarily dangerous to humans, but a bite would sure be painful! It's very unlikely that you would ever encounter one of these large creatures, but just in case you go on a safari or travel the world and wonder “What the heck is that?!”when you see one of these large spiders, you'll have your answer.

A few of them have bodies that are as large as the palm of an average man's hand. Check it out for yourself:

Spiders are some of the most common animals on planet earth; literally, they are present in virtually every environment – even in the snow!

These spiders raise the bar through for creepiness. Imagine returning to your tent to come face to face with one of these bad boys! Not something I would want to encounter!

Featured Image via Hamish Irvine/Flickr


  1. Jon Galt said:

    See? It’s things like these that we need shotguns, and flame throwers, for!


