(Video) The 5 Biggest Spiders in the World Are Horrifying!


Here is hoping you never come face to face with any of these critters.

Few people know that all spiders are venomous and all are predators.

The number of spiders who produce toxic enough venom or enough venom at all to harm humans is limited to a relatively small number.

In fact, for most of us, coming across critter who does any more damage than an irritating bite and risk of infection is a rare occurrence.

The spiders in the video on the next page, however, pose a different risk – they could eat you.

Not really, but they are large enough to raise your creep factor exponentially.

To see the five baddest spiders in the world of spiders, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Jon Galt said:

    See? It’s things like these that we need shotguns, and flame throwers, for!

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