(Video) She Cuts Paper Towels In Half and Soaks Them In Vinegar. What She Creates is Brilliant!

life hack lysol wipes

These Lysol Wipes are much better than the ones that can be purchased at the store because they do not contain any harsh chemicals that you would otherwise be putting on your countertops and other surfaces. Check out the video below and learn how to make them!

It's nice knowing that with just a few ingredients you can make your own wipes. What's also ideal is that you can stockpile them so that you'll have them for your homestead or bug out location during an emergency. You never know when this DIY wipes may come in handy!

One Comment;

  1. Férdéric Ochet Laichour said:

    le dédoubler aussi dans l’épaisseur , mais faut forcer moins lors de l’utilisation 😉 , sinon on a les ongles salis héhéhé


