(VIDEO) Protect Yourself From the Elements and Learn How to Construct an Impressive Dugout Shelter Like THIS

dugout shelter

You find yourself stranded out in the middle of nowhere, and it doesn't look like you'll be getting out anytime soon. Now would be the time to build a shelter to protect yourself from the elements and give yourself a level of protection from predators.

What shelter should you build, though?

You could do a lean-to, but this won't do much to protect you from the wind or driving rain. If you are in heavy snow, you could build a snow cave, which surprisingly do wonders to keep people warm in blustery conditions. If it's too hot for snow, however, there is a way you could still have the benefits of a snow cave by just using the earth.

To learn how to build an impressive and efficient dugout shelter, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Dave Ide said:

    Digging your shelter in a river bed leads to an unexpected late night swim .. The higher ground you were throwing the branches from would be a better choice .. Safer, cooler and better field of view .. Good info though n thnx for sharing ..

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