(VIDEO) Protect Yourself From the Elements and Learn How to Construct an Impressive Dugout Shelter Like THIS

dugout shelter

A dugout shelter is great in that it provides excellent protection from cold, wind, rain and even predators. The way it accomplishes this is with one point of entry and the actual shelter nestled into the ground so the roof is at ground level. Watch the video below to learn how to put one of these shelters together.

Not only would this shelter be fun to build, but it also looks very comfortable to live in for an extended period. If you knew you would have to be out in the wilderness for awhile, this would be an excellent alternative to the less stable and protective lean-to shelter.

Unfortunately, it also takes a lot of time and energy to build, so you definitely wouldn't want to start working on this shelter unless you had ample water and food at your disposal because doing so without these things could severely drain your energy stores.

This video provides a great and informative lesson on how to construct one of these shelters!


  1. Dave Ide said:

    Digging your shelter in a river bed leads to an unexpected late night swim .. The higher ground you were throwing the branches from would be a better choice .. Safer, cooler and better field of view .. Good info though n thnx for sharing ..


