(Video) Man Gets His Hands On an Old Dishwasher Motor and What He Does With It is Awe-Inspiring!

dishwasher motor generator

It is obvious when the time comes, we will need to modify our lifestyles. We will have to do without things that are common place in this world as we know it now. However, with the device below we will not have to do without power!

We sincerely like that the unit can easily be modified to connect to a bicycle or something similar. The thought of hand cranking is exhausting – although you would get a marvelous upper body workout while doing it!

This is just another example of the motivation and ingenuity of the human race. When the time comes it will take a combination of fighters, survivors, and thinking men and women to bring this world back. We would like to have this guy on our team!


  1. Thomas Gunning said:

    I know how they work but the mechanical side would not be my fortay neat project though.

  2. Harold Mcdermott said:

    I built one out of a tread mill and to charge a 12 volt battery is a lot of work and it work pretty good I could light up a 100 watt light bulb pretty easy, But to charge a 12 battery the can hold a lot of energy hope you are in good shape lol


