(Video) Man Gets His Hands On an Old Dishwasher Motor and What He Does With It is Awe-Inspiring!

dishwasher motor generator

Many of us have considered the inevitability of a bug-out shelter, a place away from the big city with little or no power. You may already have one waiting for you and have thought about how to operate in it, have electrical power, when the time comes to occupy your new home.

A number of preppers have decided on solar panels while others have purchased their own personal generator. Either is fine but both can be rather expensive if bought on the open market.

The creator behind ElectronicsNMore brings us a very efficient and extremely useful crank generator which he made himself out of a modified dishwasher motor! It is pretty amazing and he assures us it is light enough to carry under your arm as you are making your way to that camp site or bug-out shelter!

If you would like to learn more about this terrific hack, a tool nearly any outdoorsman or survivor can use, then please go over to the next page and watch an impressive video where he explains how he did it and what this device entails.

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  1. Thomas Gunning said:

    I know how they work but the mechanical side would not be my fortay neat project though.

  2. Harold Mcdermott said:

    I built one out of a tread mill and to charge a 12 volt battery is a lot of work and it work pretty good I could light up a 100 watt light bulb pretty easy, But to charge a 12 battery the can hold a lot of energy hope you are in good shape lol


