[VIDEO] Make This DIY Tripwire Alarm For Under $1


Setting up perimeter security should be one of your first priorities once you have stabilized your situation in a SHTF scenario.

This amazingly cool hack takes an inexpensive window trip alarm and modifies it to be a perimeter tripwire alarm.

Perimeter security is paramount in a survival situation and if you do not have the time or money to set up a full security system, this inexpensive but very effective security hack is exactly what you need.

It is a bit easier to set up using the circle magnets mentioned in the video.

Do you have other suggestions to make this security alarm better?

If you have some ideas for this particular security system we'd love to hear from you! Or, if you have some other inexpensive ways of securing your perimeter, tell us about it in the comments section below. Photos and video links are welcomed!


