[VIDEO] Make This DIY Tripwire Alarm For Under $1

Securing your survival space, particularly in a crisis, is paramount. In a SHTF moment, anyone who is prepared will eventually be viewed as a target by those who are unprepared.

That fact is an inevitable and grim reality and the risk of someone attempting to breach the prepared survivalist's space grows exponentially as long as the survival situation carries on.

Because of this, you must secure  your perimeter of your space – be it a survival shelter you built yourself or your home or even just a space you found yourself when the crisis commenced.

If you cannot afford and expensive system or do not have a lot of time to secure your space, this amazing security hack takes a window alarm system and modifies it to serve as a tripwire alarm. Best of all, anyone can afford it!

Continue on to the next page and watch the video on how to Make This DIY Tripwire Alarm For Under $1!


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