[VIDEO] Make A Small (But Effective) Forge Out Of A Soup Can

In a survival situation, especially a long-term survival situation or even just for regular use if you work with metal a lot and need a small, but effective forge, this project is amazing!

Using a sturdy block of wood, L brackets, bolts, nuts, a soup can, intake valve, sand, plaster of Paris and a propane torch, you have all you need to make an effective forge!

This forge can be used to heat smaller metal parts, like smaller knife blades or thinner rods you need to bend (it would be great for reshaping the tip of a pry-bar or for heating a pen knife blade for reshaping.)

It also saves time and money as opposed to heating up a larger forge when all you really need is something very hot, but much smaller.

To see how to make this awesome soup can forge, please check out the video on the next page.


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  1. Russ Roman said:

    Easier and cheaper to use fire bricks and a weed burner……. Less time consuming as well…..plus you can regulate the size of your forge by simply adding or subtracting bricks, thus making a forge capable of making something larger than a pen knife.

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