[VIDEO] Make A Small (But Effective) Forge Out Of A Soup Can


A soup can forge is a quick and easy project for heating up smaller metal objects quickly and easily.

It saves money by avoiding having to use a lot of propane (or wood) to heat up a larger forge when you really are only working on smaller pieces of metal.

In terms of difficulty, doing this project ranks as “easy,” even for someone just starting out.

It's compact size, but reliability, as well as its ease of construction make this an awesome project that even those experienced working with larger forges might want to consider.

Do you have any ideas on how to make this amazing soup can forge even better?

If so, leave a comment below.


  1. Russ Roman said:

    Easier and cheaper to use fire bricks and a weed burner……. Less time consuming as well…..plus you can regulate the size of your forge by simply adding or subtracting bricks, thus making a forge capable of making something larger than a pen knife.


