(Video) Just How Vital Sleep is in a Survival Situation (or Everyday Life) is Shocking

tired rock climber outside

Robert Ludlum, the author of the Bourne trilogy, made it very clear in several of his many novels that sleep was as much a weapon as any firearm, bomb or vehicle his protagonists possessed.

It is so important that we require truckers, airline pilots, and some units within the United States military to get a minimum number of hours of sleep each day in order to be able to perform their jobs legally.

Survival situations, almost by definition, are episodes in sleep deprivation.

When we hit the point of deprivation, everything from judgment to impulse control is negatively affected.

Add to that dramatically higher stress levels than normal and the formula is there for catastrophic mistakes and errors becomes acute.

To see how sleep deprivation can greatly affect your ability to make it through a survival crisis, check out the next page.

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