(Video) In a Survival Situation, Here’s How to Open a Coconut Without Using Any Tools


Some of us only dream of being stranded on an exotic island surrounded by nothing but blue skies, clear ocean, and palm trees. We admit it sounds like it would be an idyllic paradise, but for many survivalists, it's a type of situation that's challenging. After all, where are you going to find good food?

If you have a sweet tooth, we got some good news. Coconuts are rich in calories, fiber, iron, and minerals.

You may not want to eat a lot of coconut in your everyday life, especially if you're watching your calories, but if you're out in the wilderness, it's vital for survival.

Worried about cracking a coconut? No problem, we have a great video from The King of Random's Grant Thompson opening a coconut without tools.

You can check out the video by heading over to the next page.

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  1. Caleb D. Nelson said:

    All well. Except you waste so much of the precious liquid which could be at a super premium on an island!
    Perhaps grind a hole in it. Harvest the valuable liquid. Then bash it open…

  2. Nathan Paul said:

    Maybe a broad leaf or a few to catch the liquid is what I thought. Or in a pinch your shirt and then suck or squeeze it out?

  3. Anonymous said:

    Chris Merworth Blain don’t try this at home. Just away from home.

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