(Video) In a Survival Situation, Here’s How to Open a Coconut Without Using Any Tools


It's important to point out that people have been opening up coconuts for centuries without the use of specialty tools. And it's so easy to do we think everyone should learn how to properly open a coconut at least once in their lives.

Now for the video:

Learning how to open up a coconut is a skill that will come in handy in situations beyond survival. It's also a handy trick you can show your friends! Remember, don't hurt yourself while trying to master these techniques — at first, you don't succeed, try and try again!


  1. Caleb D. Nelson said:

    All well. Except you waste so much of the precious liquid which could be at a super premium on an island!
    Perhaps grind a hole in it. Harvest the valuable liquid. Then bash it open…

  2. Nathan Paul said:

    Maybe a broad leaf or a few to catch the liquid is what I thought. Or in a pinch your shirt and then suck or squeeze it out?

  3. Anonymous said:

    Chris Merworth Blain don’t try this at home. Just away from home.


