(Video) If a Person Unplugs and Lives Off the Grid, Does That Make Them an Outlaw?

off-grid living

We may all find ourselves enticed to live off the grid and lead sustainable lives. You might think, “No harm, no foul.” However, in many states, it is illegal to live off the grid!

How can it be illegal to live independent from electricity, plumbing, and farming?! Well, there are many reasons some states choose to make it illegal. The reasons will shock you.

However, for many of these survivalists, living off the grid is part of daily life. If you're seriously considering to unplug, then think about the risk of becoming an outlaw if you do so.

Luckily just by knowing your rights, you'll be able to unplug where it's legal.

Find out whether it's illegal to live off the grid and what areas you should be careful in on this helpful video on the next page.

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  1. Rob Scott said:

    Hello??!!?? Have you missed all the damage he’s done? What rock have you been under. Now the$#%&!@*is forgiving $108 billion in student loan debt so we all have to pay for it. Wake up, this$#%&!@*isn’t done spitting in our faces.$#%&!@*it you obamanites are stupid.

  2. Rob Scott said:

    And don’t come back and tell me the GAO is “non-partisan”. Obama is directing it.

  3. Anonymous said:

    just hook up to the grid, cut the breaker and move on, I pay 18 bucks a month for electricity.

  4. Angus Roach said:

    If a man/woman can take care of themselves living unplugged/off grid without help from government..they should!!

  5. William Swan said:

    I’m hoping to get there before it happens. We’re in a race for time now and most people don’t even see it.

  6. Lyle Crandall said:

    It’s your life it should be your choice how you live I’d love to live somewhere that I could live off grid

  7. William Swan said:

    It’s called money. They can’t make their stock quotes if you don’t pay them for$#%&!@*that is actually free.

  8. James Stealey said:

    Yea, trolls like the ones who jump on homesteading page to bash the president and blame all their problems on politics…

  9. Bill Hensler said:

    Back in ’81 or ’82 a man rode a horse across the USA during Spring & early ummer. Both looked thin as sticks. The man was jailed on cruelty to an animal until the government admitted the horse was just very fit. I knew then that true pioneers had no place in the USA.

  10. Clyde Morron said:

    You’re right Vanessa – “to be free” is highly subjective and its “definition” depends upon what “special interest group” you ask.

  11. Clyde Morron said:

    Alex Morin – I just read and verified the authenticity of an article a couple days ago. The US government (EPA) is getting legislation together to “regulate” the collection of rainwater, even on *private* property, NATIONWIDE. Whenever this legislation is enacted, then anyone using a cistern, rainbarrel etc, will be in violation of the law and subject to a (rather hefty) fine. It’s freakin RIDICULOUS !

  12. Raymond Dowd said:

    In some states if you can hook up to water and electric you must. But of you live where there is no electric or water then they can’t force you.

  13. Rob Scott said:

    All’s fair in love and war. She made a comment about the new guy coming in(meaning Trump),saying “we’ll all likely to be living off grid”, and I responded. If you can’t handle a response, not my problem.

  14. Jerusha Rogers said:

    The government fears what it cannot control. They have no control over us if we are self sufficient and barter with each other for goods.

  15. Rob Scott said:

    Roberta is a Obama troll. Two things that do not go together and that is Obama and Homesteading Freedom. Or freedom in general.

  16. Rob Scott said:

    Also James Stealey, Obama is not, MY president. We have been eight years without one.

  17. Roberta Davie-Weathers said:

    I lived off grid for a long time, raised five kids, rabbits, goats and chickens and tended a Full garden and worked outside the home.

  18. Rob Scott said:

    I doubt that any of you Obama liberal extremist watched the video or read the article. The man with the open carry pistol probably makes you want to run and get in your safe space. The EPA especially Obama’s EPA is the ENEMY of homesteaders everywhere.

  19. Alex Morin said:

    They tried passing d same law in Texas but Governor Rick Perry blocked it …. He said if U own ur own land ,Own ur well , collect ur own water it’s rightfully yours ….

  20. Rob Scott said:

    No you are the troll, I’m the Truth dispenser. Why would a liberal like you be on a homesteading site?

  21. John Smith said:

    Maybe it’s just me, but reading some of the back-and-forth “fights” in the comments are WAY better than what the article was about! No, I didn’t read the article or watch the video, I just clicked on the comments to watch grown adults fight like children……please, continue…

  22. Rob Scott said:

    Leftwing ideology is contrary to the kinds of things you have to do as a homesteader. It’s a paradox. Leftwing politicians, that you apparently like, gave the EPA power to ban woodstoves or impose fines for collecting rainwater for instance.

  23. Rob Scott said:

    People like you are the reason other people CAN”T homestead because their state or the EPA makes it hard or impossible.

  24. Rob Scott said:

    Click the link and read the article and watch the video. Enlighten yourselves. Why be here if you don’t.

  25. Rob Scott said:

    Yes I’ve been boycotting them for years and will continue.

  26. Plato's Groove said:

    Forced dependency on the State. Who “owns” water and wind and seeds and earth? Not the State. But whoever controls food and energy and water functionally controls the people, period. Slavery works best when the slaves think they are free.

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