(Video) If a Person Unplugs and Lives Off the Grid, Does That Make Them an Outlaw?

off-grid living

We may all find ourselves enticed to live off the grid and lead sustainable lives. You might think, “No harm, no foul.” However, in many states, it is illegal to live off the grid!

How can it be illegal to live independent from electricity, plumbing, and farming?! Well, there are many reasons some states choose to make it illegal. The reasons will shock you.

However, for many of these survivalists, living off the grid is part of daily life. If you're seriously considering to unplug, then think about the risk of becoming an outlaw if you do so.

Luckily just by knowing your rights, you'll be able to unplug where it's legal.

Find out whether it's illegal to live off the grid and what areas you should be careful in on this helpful video on the next page.

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  1. Terry Pugesek said:

    Live off the grid on your own property? Nope, still on the grid. Live off the grid as a squatter, still on the grid. Unless you live up with the polar bears and penguins, you will never be ‘off the grid’.

  2. Matthew Baldauf said:

    Being an outlaw isn’t a bad thing. Even being a criminal isn’t ALWAYS a bad thing.

  3. Vanessa Centeno said:

    Just another way to keep control over the people. “FREE” is a relative term in the U.S.

  4. Alex Morin said:

    There nothing wrong with livening off the Grid if it your land your not breaking no dam laws they are.

  5. Josh Ice said:

    This is referring to being as far off the grid as possible for most people. No it doesn’t. An I am very into off grid survival.

  6. Mark Greer said:

    ‘Society’ looks suspect at anyone who wishes to live off grid. The government doesn’t like it cause you’re out of their control. Go for it.

  7. Mark Greer said:

    I got a ticket for habitation of a national forest years ago. I camped for 4 months.

  8. Taryn Mason Brown said:

    Government wants money. That’s all there is to it. Money, and a leash on you. I’m not a tinfoil hat kind of guy, but I know a business when I see one. X amount of dollars per capita.. Tracking behavior through different censuses. Taxing utilities and common goods. It’s basically their way of telling us we are their pets because they wear the suits and get fat behind desks. I’ll take the wilderness, they can keep their heart diseases, unhappy spouses, and deteriorating families. Suits are scum.

  9. Chevy Jim said:

    judging by the name of the group that posted this on FB, We all know that none of us will ever think off grid is illegal/

  10. Mike Perry said:

    There is a case in Huntsville AL where the city is still going after a guy.

  11. Jon Paterson said:

    I think it would be awesome to live off the grid when times come to that but for now ill take things for granted lol But i tell you my family will do quite well living off the grid with out any power tools but just off the land

  12. Roberta Davie-Weathers said:

    Well with This new President, we ALL will likely be living off grid. I did, with my five kids, for more than six years. Raised goats, a huge garden, chickens and rabbits.

  13. CJ Mitchell said:

    It doesn’t make you an outlaw! However, to society it makes you far less controllable, they can’t force all of societies constraints, and b.s. on you. And in this way those less connected are seen as a problem.

  14. Jackie McGuire said:

    Here in upstate NY even with solar panels they won’t let you unhook from the grid, we were also toss if the power was out the solar panels wouldn’t work because they need to be hookup up to the grid. Wtf is the point then? It’s all nonsense

  15. Susie Dawn Butler said:

    When using hook up to the grid wait one year and get a battery back up system installed with a switch to convert over if the power goes out. Or just say screw them and have the laws changed for off grid power

  16. Rob Scott said:

    Any “state” that bans living off the grid is illegal and doesn’t understand the freedom of the United States constitution.

  17. Rob Scott said:

    No, we were heading towards having to live off the grid with the$#%&!@*Obama running us into the ground and with terrorists threatening our power grid. Now with a real president it will just be by choice only.

  18. Damon Mickey said:

    All the jobs that have gone under Clinton/Bush/Obama this is a terrible economy. One of the biggest reasons I want to be off grid.

  19. Kelly Strole said:

    The establishment corruption can’t control you if you’re not on the grid. It’s all about control.

  20. Marie Kelly said:

    You’ll be singing a different tune real soon. You think Trump is your savior…I feel sorry for you. Like moths to a flame.

  21. Kate's Kards said:

    so its illegal to live off the grid which hurts no one but god for bid we should have gun control…..i dont get it

  22. Rob Scott said:

    Trump ain’t my savior but he is a hundred times better than the communist prick Obama, or Hillary, two saul alinsky communists.

  23. Gilbert Williams said:

    f**k all you lib tards, Trump is already making America great. Get over it you crybabies.


