[VIDEO] How To Use Pine Trees For Survival Food


Pine trees exist all over North America and are a great source of survival food.

Some of the food you can get from a pine tree actually does not taste like, well, you would imagine a pine tree would taste like.

Faced without food in a SHTF moment, you have to know what you can eat from your surroundings.

The pine tree is virtually everywhere and as a one-stop food source it is very hard to beat if you have no other alternative.

Do You Know of Other Parts of The Pine Tree That Are Edible?

If so, leave a comment below and share your thoughts and ideas with us. We'd love to hear from you!


  1. Joseph P McCartney said:

    In a survival situation I prefer the meat from a ribeye tree,and nectar from the anheuser busch!

  2. Jamie Ross said:

    @[100000426026790:2048:Elizabeth Gail Ross] @[650537296:2048:Joshua C Smith]

  3. Randell Tocholke said:

    Last year Christina and I got hooked on pine needle tea in last year up north. Very tasty with honey and has a lot of vitamin c! I would like to try to make bread from the cambium layer. You can also use aspen trees.

  4. Fernie Gunz Gonzalez said:

    @[1020306835:2048:Daniel Gonzalez] @[1101131953:2048:Emma Lucky Lou] @[683255658:2048:Johnny Chingas]


