(Video) How to Store an Easy Two-Week Food Supply for Survival

food supply

Almost everyone concedes that a life changing survival event like Hurricane Katrina could happen to any one of us, depending on where you live.

But most will also concede that type of disaster is a rarity and the survival situation most of us will face will be far less deadly or drastic.

Two weeks worth of food strikes a balance between being prepared for a likely survival situation and not having enough if you encounter one.

It also avoids having to set aside a lot of space or invest a ton of money in food you may not ever use for an event that in all likelihood will not ever be as bad as what you anticipated.

What would you include in a two-week store of food? Tell us below.


  1. Robert Parks said:

    2 weeks? That’s what it takes to put up the internment camps to hold you in. 2 years(or more) should get you started to being self sufficient in growing your own crops.

  2. TimandSue Hill said:

    Over a fire outside or your BBQ grills side burner, coleman camp stove, single burner backpacking stove…build tiny fire in a metal coffee can…

  3. Brenda K Lowe said:

    I have a big cast iron pot. Also a percolator for coffee that dosen’t need electricity. Make a fire pit. Also survialist book. Lots of non perishables. Every one needs to learn to cook outside. 20 lbs of dried beans 10 lbs rice oil and spices for cooking. A few chickens would help

  4. Paul Moore said:

    It’s a good video to help someone who doesn’t know where to start


