(VIDEO) How to Properly Hand Wash Your Clothes During a Bug Out Moment.

washing clothes

So you probably don't have a washing machine in your bug out cabin. Never fear, instructions to hand wash your clothes are here.

Make sure you pay attention to the water temperature, make sure you treat your stains prior to soaking and make sure the clothes are fully saturated! Use a washboard if you have one available to you. Once you realize how simple it is, you may never rely on a washing machine again!


  1. Tina Bina said:

    Primitive video and it doesn’t even mention rinsing the clothes after u wash them

  2. Cheri Calhoun said:

    Had to do this during a power outage 7 or 8 days long in the summer a few years ago. Stood in the shower and wash the clothes i was wearing and all. The heat was awful. Was around the 4th of July .


