(VIDEO) How to Make a Rock Axe, Knife, and More Without Using Any Tools

rock axe and knife

Walking and camping in the wilderness can be a rather daunting thing, even to those of us who love it. However, if you leave an important go-to item at home it becomes a bit more intimidating.

In other words, walking around without your trusty knife; that tool that can cut small limbs into firewood, help construct a lean-to, or even cut edible fruit from heavy and firm tree limbs is not something you want to do without.

A good survivalist and prepper already knows what the forest will provide. Why not make your own?

The video on the next page takes this scenario to heart and shows us how a camper can find and make his own stone knife and axe, without having to use anything more than concentration and imagination. It’s a smart video and certainly something to think about if you find yourself in the same situation!

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  1. Randy Beeson said:

    I’m not one to criticize people showing others stuff but throwing rocks down onto others is too unpredictable. Also your thumb looked way to close to the blade while holding the pear in place.

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