(Video) How to Identify and Handle a Brown Recluse Without Getting Bit

Brown Recluse Handling

Where we are from, in and around the California area, we don’t really have to worry about recluse spiders. However, if ever we find ourselves in an area where they are plentiful – we will definitely want to know how to identify them!

We have to agree with our host. When it comes to our families being snacked on by any critter that spews venom – they die. We try to do it mercifully and quickly but the law of the jungle – or bugging out – is if you are attacked you take him out.

That goes for bugs as well as other venomous animals!


  1. Phil Gunyon said:

    easy burn it to ashes…. the house, yard, garage what ever it is it is in!!! lol

  2. Shelley Budd said:

    Here, this is how it should be handled! In all seriousness though I have a lot in my apartment and have since the day I moved in and sticky mouse traps work great for catching the ones I can’t see and a fly swatter or shoe for the rest. Only remaining vigilant and shaking the hell out of anything that has sat for more than a few minutes has kept me and everyone else from getting bit.


