(Video) How to Identify and Handle a Brown Recluse Without Getting Bit

Brown Recluse Handling

In our home spiders of any kind are not greeted with a smile and handshake. We dislike them – even if many are helpful in destroying disease carrying flying insects. We do understand that not all are bad but, come to find out, there are those who possess venom and can – indeed – hurt man and beasts!

Granted most, like the recluse spider, are located closer to Middle (North) America but more and more stories are coming out telling of their dangers, especially to small children. With this in mind, if ever you come upon one of these venomous spiders, you really should know how to approach, capture and destroy them.

After the break, we invite you to go over to the next page and witness one resourceful gentleman’s way to do all of the above. He admits it’s all based on his daughter’s wishes. No daughter likes spiders and he is enough of a Dad to take care of it for her.

Take a look by watching the video after the break and make notes if ever you feel the need to counter such a threat!

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  1. Phil Gunyon said:

    easy burn it to ashes…. the house, yard, garage what ever it is it is in!!! lol

  2. Shelley Budd said:

    Here, this is how it should be handled! In all seriousness though I have a lot in my apartment and have since the day I moved in and sticky mouse traps work great for catching the ones I can’t see and a fly swatter or shoe for the rest. Only remaining vigilant and shaking the hell out of anything that has sat for more than a few minutes has kept me and everyone else from getting bit.


