(Video) How to Correctly Handle Being Pulled Over While Having a Firearm


We all have our right to exercise the freedoms we are given in the United States. However, it doesn't mean that we also shouldn't exercise some caution along with that too. It's important to be safe and stay considerate of others as well.

For those of you who own and/or carry a firearm with you, getting pulled over by the police can put you into a bit of a tough situation.

If you don't want to end up on the front page news and cause a commotion, this video will show you just how to correctly handle being pulled over while in possession of a firearm.

Watch and find out how to handle getting stopped by the police while carrying a firearm on the next page.

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  1. Dana Kerr said:

    freedoms are NOT given,, they are FREEDOMS.. The sooner the lawgivers and the law gets that through their heads, the better off the USA will be.

  2. Ralph Severe said:

    I have a different point of view, first off the public servant is not an authority over a taxpayer – a public servant serves the public they’re not their authority as a matter fact the only authority they have is to make an arrest.

    I have a lot of disagreements with this video and I think it is outdated.

    I don’t think that you have to tell the public servant that has inconvenience you and stop to you on the street that you have a weapon of any kind in your vehicle.

    And Texas you’re allowed by the government masters in Austin to keep a pistol or revolver in your vehicle concealed without any type of permission.

    Also in Texas you have Constitutional carry with rifles and shotguns.

    I don’t think it’s anybody’s business that you have a weapon in your vehicle.

    Yes I agree that is common courtesy to hand them your permission card to drive on the streets in Texas as well as your permission card to carry open or concealed firearm.

    in Texas correct me if I’m wrong if a public servant makes a terry stop and comes up to your window and ask if you have a weapon in your vehicle it’s none of their business and you should tell him it’s none of their business if it’s not in plain sight or threat it’s not their business.

    Also when the public servant demand you get out of your vehicle you should ask them why and that you don’t want to do for your own protection there’s no reason to comply.

  3. Neil Jordan said:

    now show how a black man without a firearm can survive a stop without getting shot. or at least try and explain how

  4. Kathy Taylor said:

    They should show these in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. How to they think, kids learn these days. By the hand of the junkies?.

  5. Rob Hakola said:

    Living Arizona for years I have spoke to many police officers about this and they have given some good advice. If you are “carrying”the best thing you can do is you lay both of your wrists on the window sill with both of your hands outside the vehicle in plain sight. This does two things #1it immediately tells the officer you have a gun. ( without saying “”I have a gun”)#2 it allows the officer to know where your hands are and sets his mind more at ease that you are a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN. He will then direct you to proceed from there. Follow the instructions they give you to the tee. It make both of your interactions more pleasant and safe. Just saying!

  6. Matthew Baldauf said:

    They need to eliminate mandatory disclosure. Too many people have hotten in trouble because the officer wouldn’t listen.

  7. Shawn Neal said:

    Depends on the state. Here in Arizona, you disclose if asked. A responsible owner obeys the laws and has the officer’s safety in mind.

  8. Marty Morris said:

    do what officer say.along they don’t abuse power.doesn’t seem like those people getting rise out of certain people act of terrorism?like when you fund a group to point they go out and shoot police.like down in Texas .bullshit.fucking bullshit.should b a law against certain orginaztions that provoke violence.you know who you are.want to divide a country cause they banking on our destruction.and when happens they go behind close doors and laugh.yea,I got problem with certain leaders provoking this.and those people want excuse burn your community down.do you know just dropping price and value of your homes?people need stop being manipulated to.ridiculous

  9. Robert Baldauf said:

    totally agree, like that idiot in Canton in 2011. Just to be safe, both hands are OUT the window holding both permit and license as the officer approaches the window for me. then every instruction he gives I repeat back and ask confirmation…IE..”I hear you saying you want me to remove the keys from the ignition, is this correct? OK I am now moving my right hand to remove the keys…..may sound stupid, but 0 room for misunderstanding.

  10. William Schors said:

    I used to keep my ccw under my license, till I got pulled over and they say the card then asked if I had a gun on me. I will disclose if asked or in a state where disclosure is required upon contact. If not why bring it in the equation and notch up the situation?

  11. Theresa Smith said:

    right off the bat the cop needs to get$#%&!@*slapped for leaning on the car and looking like he’s lounging.

  12. Steve Klier said:

    Don’t need a permit for ccw in Wyoming, cops usually assume everyone is carrying, they will just ask if they have any concerns

  13. Loyde Allen said:

    What if I’m not a law abiding citizen? Due to many laws we shouldn’t be expected to abide by. Like laws about victimless crimes?

    “Well officer, yes.. I have a gun, and I have a small bag of weed.. of which I will not allow you to extort me for. I’ve harmed none. No victim exists.. I’ve done nothing wrong, Sir.. so please kindly piss off.. unless you can prove otherwise, then arrest me and I’ll own your job.”

  14. Shawn Pford said:

    I’m a LEO. Just use common sense. I’ve never had a problem with a carry permit holder in many years. Thank you for carrying!!!

  15. Marc Orcutt said:

    Georgia isn’t a required to inform state and I’m not informing the officer unless 1) I have to exit the vehicle for a pat-down or 2) my firearm is positioned in such a way as I’d have to reach near it to fetch my wallet for my driver’s license.

  16. Sheamus Yurdle McDurdle said:

    Its not stupid. Stupid is the guy who reaches in his glove box, for his registration, moves his pistol to get it, never telling the officer he has one, or his passenger (Me). And he almost gets a lead makeover, from the officer. Never rode to work with that Idiot ever again.

  17. Jacob Jeffery Alden said:

    Usually dont have any problem telling them up front im carrying and im alwats concealed nd its up to them if they ask u to take it out or leave it. Ive never had to take it out of my holster. Just tell them each move u make and make sure they know where your hands r going and wht u r reaching for. Saves me lot of trouble.

  18. Joe Goodman said:

    So what is the procedure in Constitutional carry states were no permit is required?

  19. Anonymous said:

    …I’ve had an officer take my guns and put them on the top of my truck, after I showed my permit… I’ll never be handing my guns over again… was illegal to do on his part anyways…

  20. Cecil T. Compton said:

    Keep your hands on the steering wheel, when the officer approaching the window is the time to inform the officer. Never decieve,or lie.

  21. Larry King Jr. said:

    or those 12 white police killed by 9 white men in the last two weeks. you stupid f**k

  22. MIke Warren said:

    Please take this video down. This is horrible anti Constitution advice

  23. MIke Warren said:

    Why not grab it before officer walks up? You know he will want to see it

  24. Marc Orcutt said:

    I probably would, but you have to balance that against the “I saw you moving around a lot in the vehicle after I stopped you – what was that all about?” question that you’re going to get from the officer. Most officers can immediately tell if they are dealing with just a typical citizen or a thug in most cases. So, telling an officer that my movements were related to the retrieval of my wallet probably wouldn’t arouse suspicions further and lord knows I’m never consenting to the search of myself or my vehicle, so I think it would be fine.

  25. Chris Patterson said:

    Back in wyoming i never worried about it. It wasnt an issue when pulled over. If they asked id let em know, or if it would be revealed while getting my documents out, but mostly just be polite and respectful and it will be fine

  26. Ralph Severe said:

    This clip promotes submissive behavior towards a public servant.
    I dislike it.

  27. Terry Rodeback said:

    Why should i trust a cop.I dont think i should give up my gun to anyone if i have broken no law.I am suposed to trust some person just because its a cop.I give my gun up and i am totally at the mercy of a person i dont no,dont trust and have no reason to trust.

  28. Kenn Hinick said:

    I keep my CCP with my driver’s license and when asked for my license provide both. I do not surrender my weapon unless there is a probable cause that I have done something that warrants arrest..

  29. Dave O'Neil said:

    Wisconsin is not a mandatory notify state and i do not do so unless asked at least twice


