(VIDEO) How to Accurately Throw Your Knife


Throwing knives is not just a “cool” thing to learn, something to impress your friends and the ladies, but it is a sincerely important survival skill that should not be ignored. Taken seriously this skill is a great aid and could very well mean the difference between surviving and surviving without fail.

While the sound is not the best during the demonstration process we really got the idea behind throwing knives for accuracy! We liked that our host had varying knives, including a throwing star, and admitted he was a little out of practice.

It just goes to show if you want to be good at anything, in this case throwing your knives, practice is not just important but could save your life!


  1. Marc Embry said:

    Begin by throwing out all of those “balanced” throwing knives…

    Best thrower I ever owned is a 15″ bowie with the handle removed.

  2. Brandon Brennan said:

    I been throwing knives and hatchets for forty years, much to the destruction ofca few good blades, but have cvometo conclusion that it might be good skill to have, I really do not like idea of potentially handing my last line of defense to the enemy……

  3. Chucklz O'Neill said:

    If its a “survival situation” I prefer not to be the dumbass that throws my knife ….lmfao js


