(Video) Hiking? At a Minimum, Here’s What a Person Needs:


As Spring has sprung (or up here in the north, is trying to get out of Winter's grim grip) and Summer approaches, many of us will increase the time we spend outdoors.

That means extended stays, sometimes day trips in the “wilderness,” which, as anyone who lives in a rural area sees on the news regularly, can quickly turn sour and even deadly.

Even folks who are prepared and careful can twist an ankle, lose track of time or take a wrong turn and end up in a world of hurt with darkness approaching.

That is why you must be prepared whenever you venture out and by “prepared” we mean “have a basic survival kit,” or “day survival kit,”  just in case.

To see some ideas of what you should include in a day survival kit, check out the video on the next page.

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  1. Patrick Camblin said:

    If your talking about receational hiking in parks and forests, leave your weapons at home. Trust me, other hikers are not nuts or insecure, and it is only the thought that others have weapons that would make one consider taking weapons. If you cannot deal with that, stay home.

  2. Ted Alblas said:

    So whats wrong with havong a backpacker shotgun when hiikng in bear country. Dont get me wrong bear spray is awesome and whatnot but i wanna be able to do nore than yell when i meet a bear that like his food spicy lol

  3. Billy Themis said:

    Wants and needs are different…I lived in a tent for years without half of this$#%&!@*.. And native Americans and earlier people lived with even less… Relax a bit… We are designed to survive in the world as we are… So much so that we have dominated it and are bending it to our will… Which ironically enough might be what kills us…


