(Video) He Takes Out an Oak Dowel. How He Taps a Maple Tree and Utilizes the Sap? Incredible


Living naturally can mean many things to all sorts of different people. Individuals who are preppers usually can or bottle foods for a rainy day or a future all out chaos situation. Fruit trees and vegetable gardens are a true plus to any prepper. No surprise there!

Since bartering will probably be the norm for a while anything you can get or grow that others will want is much-needed cash in your pockets or goods in your pantry! But what if you are not a grower? What could you possibly have that others might want?

Here's an idea. let’s say you really could use a little extra flour to make bread. Maybe the neighbor that has what you need is a big pancake or waffle eater … Get where we are going for here?

Yes, if you have a maple tree anywhere near your homestead and you know the right way to tap it, you may very well have some sweet for everyone in the neighborhood! Whoo Hoo!

On the following page watch a terrific video, showing us one man’s luck in tapping a maple with an impressive oak dowel!

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  1. JT Vang said:

    It would be lucky if he tap during the off-run season and got sap..lol

  2. James Stealey said:

    My (and the teams) favorite spring activity… making sugar. I can’t wait


