(Video) He Puts Spoon Life Hacks to the Test. How He Does? These are Very Useful for Survival!

spoon opened tuna can

Your spoon is not just for your morning cereal anymore! Here is our Russian hacker showing you the many things you can do with a spoon, or how to make a spoon, should you be without a knife, can opener, or any other thing you did not know a spoon could do!

He is not called “The Crazy Russian Hacker” because he does the simple! This is actually a really smart video regarding the use of a spoon for different hacks.

Personally, we feel the can opening trick was pretty darn amazing. We are not certain how much pressure is needed, if both a man and woman can do it, but if you want to give it a try we do advise – as he did – that you wear a glove for that experiment! Come back and let us know how you did!

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