(Video) He Puts Spoon Life Hacks to the Test. How He Does? These are Very Useful for Survival!

spoon opened tuna can


Seems to always happen. You and the family or your buddies are out during wilderness training or maybe even a simple weekend camping trip but you forget a major utensil.

Maybe you need to open a can of beans and there is no can opener or you brought fruit that absolutely needs to be peeled but the knife is missing. What do you do?

Did you bring a spoon? It is amazing the things you can do with a spoon that you never, in the past, thought possible!

Go over to the next page and watch as “The Crazy Russian Hacker” shows us astonishing survival things you can do with a spoon.

Be warned, some of them are not easy and caution is addressed but this is a hack you do not want to miss!

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