(Video) He Gives Us a Tour of His Root Cellar Shelter. Just How Prepared He Is? I’m Impressed!

root cellar

Take note of how he gets air into and out of the root cellar. It may be small but it certainly serves a purpose!

While this shelter is not really for bug-out purposes – where he lives bugging-in would work! – we had to laugh at the thought of a bad weather moment. We, of course, are not laughing at the predicament but were wondering where the family would put the goat and chickens!

This is a great little shelter/root cellar and, in the future, if Mr. Robinson decides to expand, we would love to see what he does next!


  1. David Cruson said:

    Just going out on a limb here: IF those in power want what you have OR IF things turn to$#%&!@*like many say… WHY IN HELL would you advertise what you have??? MUCH LESS ON-LINE?!


