(VIDEO) ‘Fat Guys’ Host Gathers His Snack Pack, Pen, and Rabbit Droppings. What He Does Next? I Can’t Stop Thinking About This!

Fat Guys host making a fire

A snack pack, a pen, and rabbit droppings. Those are the tools used by this survivalist to make a fire from scratch. How he does it will amaze you at the sheer resourcefulness.

The best thing about this tip is that after you get your fire lit, you still get to eat your snack pack. You'll probably want to to get the taste of smoking rabbit turds out of your mouth.

If you remembered this trick after you already ate your snack pack, you might still be in luck if you can stick the lid back on the cup with some glue or pine resin.

The important lesson here is to think critically about everything in your possession if you ever find yourself in a survival situation. Chances are you can think of quite a few uses that can drastically improve your situation.


  1. Van Nguyen said:

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    good article of page: Necessity is the mother of invention…

  2. Dan Higgins said:

    Genius….for utilizing what was there. i did think to use the aluminum on the cup for a parabolic mirror and the poop was bonus…lol

  3. Gabin Ananou said:

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