(VIDEO) ‘Fat Guys’ Host Gathers His Snack Pack, Pen, and Rabbit Droppings. What He Does Next? I Can’t Stop Thinking About This!

Fat Guys host making a fire

Necessity is the mother of invention, so they see. Innovation is the survivalists best friend, because what separates the survivor from those who die of starvation or exposure is that the survivalist will look at everything they have with a critical eye, figuring out a million uses for every item in their possession.

Of course, some survivalists are much more adept at this than others, which is why we have unique tips like the one on the next page.

Typically, you wouldn't think of a snack pack as anything other than food, except perhaps as bait for traps to get more food. In the same way, most people wouldn't look at a pen as anything other than a writing tool, or rabbit droppings as anything other than a sign that there is food nearby.

Check out what this expert survivalist does with these three items that will leave you in awe.

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  1. Van Nguyen said:

    I likeTruth And Action…I got 15 percent, join now…
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    good article of page: Necessity is the mother of invention…

  2. Dan Higgins said:

    Genius….for utilizing what was there. i did think to use the aluminum on the cup for a parabolic mirror and the poop was bonus…lol

  3. Gabin Ananou said:

    Tell me now, should i give crie out for people to here, that am loving U


