(Video) Fall Has Arrived Early and it’s Getting Cold at Night. Here’s How to Survive in a Well Insulated Shelter.

shelter for cold nights

Building the proper shelter when a collapse occurs, is vital to your survival. It is important though to not just build any shelter.

As Far North Bushcraft And Survival explains in this video, it is important to build a shelter that will contain the heat and keep you warm especially if temperatures are below freezing.

Building this type of shelter is easier than you probably think. It may just be what helps you to survive the bitter outdoor elements!

Conclusion: This shelter is made using some heated rocks from a fire, some spruce or pine leaves as a bed, a space blanket or two and a piece of plastic. It is amazing how well it can keep you warm even if the ground may be frozen.

It shows every prepper that not every shelter needs to be massive to be effective. This shelter uses some basic supplies but gets as warm as using an electric blanket and will definitely protect you from the cold when SHTF!

One Comment;

  1. Simon Bail said:

    Wouldn’t you sweat under all that plastic & get hyperthermic during the night when temperature plummets?


