(Video) Fall Has Arrived Early and it’s Getting Cold at Night. Here’s How to Survive in a Well Insulated Shelter.

shelter for cold nights

If a prepper has to survive outside on a cold night when SHTF, here is the best way to make a warm shelter!

One of the most important skills any prepper can have for a collapse is knowing how to properly build a shelter. However, not just any shelter will do, especially if it's Fall or Winter outside. You need one that will protect you from the rain, snow, wind and bitterly cold temperatures that you might have to face.

A shelter made out of just branches and spruce or pine leaves may seem like a good enough idea. That is until the heat rises and goes out through the leaves meaning that you will be left freezing.

What is the solution to this dilemma?  The incredible video on the next page shows you how to build a  really warm shelter  using supplies find in nature and basic supplies you should carry in your bug out gear.

Building a shelter that will keep you nice and toasty warm may be the key to surviving outside during a disruptive event. It may just be one of if not the most important skill any prepper should know!

To find out how to build a warm shelter when fall or winter hits during a SHTF situation, head over to the next page and watch this incredible video. 

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One Comment;

  1. Simon Bail said:

    Wouldn’t you sweat under all that plastic & get hyperthermic during the night when temperature plummets?


