(Video) During a SHTF Situation, Here are Two Ingenious Ways to Pick a Lock…


Lock yourself out of your house or car? Why pay a locksmith when you can just crack that lock yourself? Check out the two methods below and try them out today!

The first method works incredibly well for locks with larger keyholes. If you have a keyhole that's too tight, the credit card plastic won't fit very well and you may even tear it off in the lock, which will give you much bigger problems.

The downside to this method is that you need to make a key blank ahead of time and keep it on your person, preferably in your wallet. The downside to the second method is that you'll need a lot of mobility with the padlock to get it to work well.

When a padlock is attached to a door or gate, mobile is one thing it's not. So, your best bet for unlocking a lock: don't forget your key.


  1. Andrew McLallen said:

    Completely stupid. Neither of these two are “picking” and the first is near useless as is stated you need to do it ahead of time. If that’s the case, just get extra keys made in advance for a few dollars. Also, padlocks are extremely easy to defeat by much quicker means.

  2. Thomas Melendrez said:

    It takes meth heads longer to lower and seat your trailer hitch onto the ball of their stolen truck than it does to “pick” the $100 lock you just bought.

  3. Anonymous said:

    Why do this? All you are doing is making a duplicate key, not picking the lock. If you access to the key, a duplicate is not needed.


