(Video) During a SHTF Situation, Here are Two Ingenious Ways to Pick a Lock…


Picking a lock may seem like a relatively straightforward process. It certainly appears to be the case in every single movie and TV episode that shows the hero (or villain) pull a small lockpick set out of their pocket and pop the lock in a matter of seconds. In reality…not so much.

Lockpicking is a difficult skill to learn and master, which is why locksmiths get $60 (minimum) from you when they take ten seconds to come bust open your car door.

Mastering this skill is all well and good, but having a lockpicking set on your person can get you into trouble if you ever happen to be searched, even if you only have them to get past your personal locks.

What you really need is at least one excellent method of getting past locks which requires virtually no skill and works fairly well every time. On the next page, you'll get two.

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  1. Andrew McLallen said:

    Completely stupid. Neither of these two are “picking” and the first is near useless as is stated you need to do it ahead of time. If that’s the case, just get extra keys made in advance for a few dollars. Also, padlocks are extremely easy to defeat by much quicker means.

  2. Thomas Melendrez said:

    It takes meth heads longer to lower and seat your trailer hitch onto the ball of their stolen truck than it does to “pick” the $100 lock you just bought.

  3. Anonymous said:

    Why do this? All you are doing is making a duplicate key, not picking the lock. If you access to the key, a duplicate is not needed.


