(Video) Don’t Make These 10 Bug In Mistakes or Else!

boxes inside a warehouse

We know, for the most part, preppers and survivalist mean well. They stock their supplies, make sure they have enough ammo and other survival supplies to make life after chaos at least livable. Yet, there may be a point or two that is missed. Watch the following video and see if it can help you!

We actually do see ourselves in some of the points made in this video. Physically, we are not in the best shape of our lives and really need to get back on our exercise and healthy food regime. We see more salads and lean meatd in our future!

He also makes a great point about electronics too. If the grid goes down electricity may not be up for weeks or months – possibly years! If you have gadgets that you feel are a must then make certain you have an alternate form of electricity to power them up!

In the end, it has everything to do with common sense. Think before you leap and you just may make it out of a SHTF situation!


  1. Lance Nichols said:

    Decent video that’s good information as far as losing weight try the keto way of eating John Hopkins Hospital has a great article on it

  2. Bill Gremling said:

    Spot on, especially about the GPS and map, compass reading. I watched an episode of survivorman, where the host forgot to turn off his GPS and had no compass.


