(Video) Discover What Animals Are the Most Intelligent in the World

sea lion

Not only will they tell you what animals are smartest but they will tell you why they deserve the ranking given. They are survivors, all in their own way, and this video will tell you why.

It is no surprise where the “great ape” came in. However, we were also delighted to see dogs, cats, rats, and even crows! And really, the explanations given make a lot of sense.

It does take a good brain to know what is happening around you, like the elephant and their seemingly on-going mourning period for the dead, and how to solve it. RE: Certain birds knowing they have to drop hard shell nuts from a great height to make them break on the hard ground below.

We suppose nature gives us all that we need to remain alive and well. If not, this world would be mighty sparse by now!


