[VIDEO] Bushcraft Skills: How To Find and Cook Food On The Beach

Life beach-side can be especially pleasant and tasty if one decides to live off of the land and learn to cook what nature has to offer.

Our host in the video on the next page is working his way up the coast of Scotland and has stopped at a lovely beach where he decides to make dinner. Now, somehow he manages to have a joint of venison with him, which may not be as easy to catch in the wild as a seasoned survivalist will tell you!

However, he quickly digs a pit, lines it with flat stones, sets it ablaze and after about an hour and a half tosses in his venison inside.
But this is only part one.

While he is waiting for the main course to cook he takes a seafood walk and picks up some lovely appetizers, including clams, mussels, cockles and limpets (an aquatic snail) . He shows us how to cook them with some of the embers from the original pit and assures us they take next to no time to cook. This is classic prepper/survivalist forethought and very well executed!

Please go to page two and watch this fascinating video. It may make you want to go off the grid at the beach…

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One Comment;

  1. Melissa Mellin said:

    It’s called a lobster bake. Us Mainers (the state of Maine) are very knowledgeable of cooking on the beach in a hole in the sand.

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