[VIDEO] Awesome Uses For 550 Paracord

Just about everyone who spends any time in the outdoors has used or more likely, uses a lot of paracord.

Paracord is one of the most versatile cordage in existence and is used in literally hundreds of ways, if not thousands.

It was even used by our astronauts to repair the Hubble Telescope in space.

Whether you are camping, preparing for a possible survival setting or up to your eyeballs in a SHTF moment, paracord's practicality makes it indispensable to every survival kits or bug-out bag.

It is important, though, to make sure you have military grade Paracord 550, which can safely handle up to 550 pounds of sustained weight (it will snap if holding that weight and it is jerked.) Less expensive polyester cordage is not as durable, strong or elastic as authentic paracord.

The video on the next page shows multiple uses for paracord – both common and unique.


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