(VIDEO) Add Some Comfort to Your Bug Out Area With a DIY Raised Bed!

Bed Making

If you plan on spending time out in the wilderness, days or even weeks, you will have to bed down, and since to have to go to sleep anyway you might as well be comfortable!

During that time the weather can turn from a beautiful evening to raging storm and the one thing you don’t want is to lie on the wet ground, attempting to stay dry and snooze.

The solution is to raise the bed off the ground.

While this won’t help you from the pelting rain it will prevent you from laying in a pill of water and, if like Lilly, you have a great camp and lean-to you and your dog should stay safe and sound during severe weather conditions!

After the break, watch how Survival Lilly builds a kick-butt bed!

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  1. Chip Smith said:

    If you have to put that much effort into building this bed be sure that you have enough food to eat to keep up your energy for all of the calories burned. Otherwise, excellent concept. Being elevated off of wet cold ground will certainly make you feel better. You could always dig a pit under the platform to place coals from a fire to help warmth. A few coals with a thin layer of dirt to prevent flaming up will provide some heat.


