(Video) 7 Doomsday Weapons a Prepper Can Make. Every Arsenal Needs Them!

Water Bottle Weapon

At some point during Doomsday store bought weapons will no longer be useful. This may not be something you have considered before, but over the months and years, this will become more and more likely. Your durable store bought weapons will wear down and in their place, you will need to make your own weapons.

A gun and knife will last a long time but when you run out of cleaning solution and sharpen a dull knife becomes very challenging, it'll become vital to know a variety of other ways to protect yourself.

If you have family members you may also want to teach them how to properly use the weapons. Also keep in mind that a prepper does not need a lot of expensive supplies to keep their family safe — just having some basic skills and using your mind will suffice!

On the next page check out 7 SHTF weapons on the video that you can create. These weapons are exactly what you need when Doomsday is here! 

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  1. Yosh Srob said:

    Dean Strb. I’d if you follow this but they post some cool stuff.

  2. Will Gouin said:

    Literally anything is a weapon if u want it to be. break a broom handle, now u got a Bo staff.

    • Trickywoo said:

      Buy a flintlock smoothbore, best survival weapon there is! You can make your own powder, flint you can find almst everywhere, it can shoot solid projectile, nuts and bolts even rocks.

  3. Geoffrey Ennis said:

    When I was driving buses, the broom was always behind my seat. “What weapon?? It’s a broom!”

  4. Charles Crossland III said:

    Guns rarely BREAK, They need maintenance and might wear a bit though. Ammo you just have to start reloading your own. Though if you solely rely on only a firearm your screwed as a prepper

    • Trickywoo said:

      Just posted a reply to him, flintlock smoothbore! you can make everything needed

  5. Dave Hummel said:

    Guns under adverse conditions “break” all the time. Reloading takes a lot of equipment and if your on the move virtually impossible. Plus have you ever tried reloading 22lr. Lol
    Last point 100%.
    Believe me love my Guns. Glock and RUGER.
    But I’m also proficient in bows, crossbows, slingshots, and javelins.

  6. Jayce Hudson said:

    These are mostly the sorts of things we used to make as kids! If you use these for hunting, you are going to be very lucky or very hungry.

  7. Eric Britt said:

    Guns keep you alive. don’t hunt with them. Make a bow, set traps, fish, smoke meat for the winter… only hunt with your gun until you make anything else. You need to learn how to a bow, or a knife, or a spear, or a sling. Never assume that anything you have will last more than a day. That being said, the video was silly. Those are, at best, toys. Not weapons. Not a one of them could kill a rabbit.

  8. Dave Hummel said:

    The plastic bottle bow thing. I’ve made and used. Itd kill a rabbit or squirrel. But like you I’d rathermake an actual bow. Or get one of the commercially made bows like it. Around 30lb draw weight. More than enough to take out small game.

  9. Jerry Mallon said:

    I think you’d be better off carrying a pocket full of rocks just sayin…

  10. Roger Goldsmith said:

    Ooh i thought this was a turtorial on how to make doomsday weapons.. that explains how we are all still alive.

  11. Will Zielinski said:

    Looks like he learned how to make these weapons in the Russian prison system. I was waiting for a zip gun or a shive made from a tooth brush.

  12. Nolan Watchman Hymon said:

    Or it’s confiscated, he should see the YouTube video of the cops brutally taking a revolver away from a lone elderly Woman during Katrina. The cops said no one will have guns, but the crooks who have obtained theirs illegally.

  13. Dave Hummel said:

    I had friends in the NOPD during Katrina. They were ordered to go house to,house confiscating firearms. Not one person, with legal or illegal weapons fought back. Some ran. Some didn’t answer the door but the whole “take from my cold dead hands” is bs.

  14. Butch Sponer said:

    You will always be able to sharpen a knife. Roll your car window (any car ) half way down and use the top edge to sharpen any knife….works like a stone….A

  15. Christopher Jones said:

    I don’t want to deal with all the ads. You can always make a bow out of pvc. It’s easy to find and they are pretty powerful.

  16. Butch Sponer said:

    Yes…roll it down a little and feel the top of the window. It has a rough texture like a ceramic stone…and works just like one…A

  17. Bob said:

    If thats the type of weaponry I’ll be facing. I’m gonna be a king! No IEDs, punjis, caltrops, tiger pits, crossbows, NOTHING. Gonna be a cakewalk!!!

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