[VIDEO] 50 Mind Blowing Wilderness Survival Tips You’ve Never Heard Of

Who the heck knew a willow tree could be such an amazing resource to survivalists? Seriously. We had no idea.



This guy is incredible! One of these days we need to jot down all the survival tips we've acquired over our lifetime and make a video of our own. He has such a rad accent, too. For a moment there we thought we were watching Game of Thrones. But honestly, were we the only ones who had to pause his video multiple times to jot down some of these tips?


Do You Have a Mind Blowing Wilderness Survival Tip for Us? 

If you have something you'd like for us to add to our repertoire, we wanna hear from you! It can be directly related to wilderness survival tips, or it can be a tip you feel survivalists would benefit from. Bottom line: If you know something awesome, tell us about it!


