(Video) 5 Weird Yet Incredibly Cool Ways to Start a Fire. Who Knew These Could be Life-Saving When SHTF!


Survivalists should know how to utilize these really weird but awesome ways to start a fire!

Since we know that a disruptive event can happen at any moment, we probably have tons of matches and lighters for starting a fire when we need to bug out. However, what if you have to bug out for much longer than you expected?

If this happens, you probably will run of matches or lighters to help you start a fire. Or the matches may be too wet to burn well. So, what else can you do?

This is when survivalists will look inside their bug out gear and use any supplies they have to start a fire. Some ways of starting a fire may seem insane but if they work, they can keep you from freezing or being hungry when you are bugging out.

To learn some absolutely weird ways that you can start a fire, please head on over to the next page and watch the incredible video. 

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One Comment;

  1. Michael Blosser said:

    great article (for the 1st half) but the presentation is very difficult to navigate as it is full of advertisement to the extent that I stopped half way through.

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